Monday, November 29, 2010

Why I Hate Fanny Packs

I’ve never been a fan of these...they conjure up ugly stereotypes of American tourists on vacation with fanny packs, white socks, shorts, and a Bermuda shirt with a huge camera hung around their necks. You know what I’m talking about!  I just wish that fanny packs weren't so taboo, because they do serve a purpose if you want to be hands-free or you just have a back/shoulder problem. But they do look unattractive. And I think the vinyl makes it look worse, it stands out much more.
 An alternative to fanny pack is a fashionable small purse for ladies
and for men a small backpack.


  1. hahaha... you know when someone posts a comment on here they have to do one of those confirmation things where you type out the weird word thing they have there to make sure you are not a terrorist... just so you know... lol

  2. why you hat fanny packs? ive never hat-ed anything before... hated is more like it;)

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