Saturday, November 13, 2010

MegaMind Quotes :]

Megamind: Our battles quickly got more elaborate. He would win some, I would ALMOST win others! He took the name: Metro Man, defender of Metro City. I decided to pick something a little more humble: MegaMind, incredibly handsome criminal genius and master of all villainy!

Hal: Who are you?
Megamind: [disguised as Jor-El] I'm like your space dad.
Hal: Wow.
Megamind: You've been blessed with unfathomable powers.
Hal: What kind of power?
Megamind: Unfathomable. It's like, uh, without fathom

Megamind: All men must choose between two paths. Good is the path of honour, friends and family. Evil... well, it's just cooler.

Roxanne Ritchi: What's the plan?
Megamind: It mostly involves "not dying"!
Roxanne Ritchi: That's a good plan, I like that plan

Megamind: Where did you park the invisible car...?
[walks into it]

Megamind: No matter what happened, I was always the last chosen, the odd one out, the black sheep... the bad boy. Was this my destiny?... Wait. Maybe it WAS! Being bad is the one thing I'm good at! Then it hit me: if I was the bad boy, then I was going to be the baddest boy of them ALL!

Roxanne Ritchi: [smashes a guitar on Metro Man's head] You left us in the hands of... HIM!
[points at Megamind]

Roxanne Ritchi: [to Megamind] No offense.
Megamind: No, I'm with you!

Minion: Boss, I think this is a bad idea...
Megamind: [extracting Metro Man's essence] Yes, a very wickedly BAD idea for the greater GOOD of man!
Minion: But I'm saying it's a "bad" bad... okay, it's a good idea from your "bad" perception, but from a "good" point of view, it's just plain bad...
Megamind: Oh, you don't know what's good for man!

Megamind's Mother: Here is your minion. He will look after you. Megamind's Father: And here's your binky!

Roxanne Ritchi: I knew you'd come back!
Megamind: Well, that makes one of us

Megamind's Father: [last words to his son] You are destined for...
[the ship closes and takes off]
Megamind: [narrating] What? Destined for what? I didn't quite catch that last part, but it sounded important! 

Roxanne Ritchi: [to Megamind] We can beat Titan ourselves. Just make us up a couple of those serums, give us a gun, and then we can go all GANGSTA on him!

Megamind: I'm the bad guy. I don't save the day, i dont fly off into the sunset, and i don't get the girl!

Megamind:  Sometimes, it felt like it was just me and Minion against the world