Friday, October 29, 2010

Interview with My Little Sister

•Which is your most favorite book ever?
My Life in Pink and Green
•Which is the one television character that you simply adore?
Daphne, from Scooby Doo
•What is your taste in music?
•Which is your favorite genre of movies ?
•What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?
•What makes your angry?  
People talking bad about my friends
•Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?
I went on a cruise to Hawaii
•If you could have a lunch with any three people
Selena Gomez, Melissa Joanheart, and Brenda Song
•Which is your most cherished childhood memory?
My NCIS Birthday party
•If given a complete freedom to start a fresh start, what profession would you choose and why?
Veterinarian, because I love animals.
• If given a choice to skip school for a day, how would you spend the entire day?
I would go to Disneyland with my friend Kaitlin
•Which is your favorite time of the day, are you a morning person or a night person?
Morning person
•What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
Me and Jalan were double-dared by you (me, Karlee) to dress up crazy and walk by these cute boys at Sonic!
•In case you and I were going out to the movies and we had a fight. How would you try to patch things up?
I wouldn’t, your my sister.
•What is the funniest prank played on you or played by you?
When we (me, Karlee) pranked my brother, Tyler, by putting  mask on his bed that looked like a person was in his bed.
•If given a choice, which animal would you want to be? Why?
A puffer fish, it is hard to die being a puffer fish.
•Which is your most favorite place on the earth?
•If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the five things that you would want to survive?
Radio, boat, plane, pilot, and food/water

The Pillsbury Doughboy VS. The Muffin Man

Today was a hilarious day! We got  to pick a fable and make it longer. I chose the fable "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" I named the sheperd boy Pablo and his favorite sheep's name is Sir Wooley Von Sweater! Then we got to make our own fable. You wanna read it? Look below:

The Pillsbury Dough Boy and The Muffin Man
By: Karlee Gies
Once upon a time there were two sworn enemies, the Pillsbury Dough Boy and the Muffin Man. One day the Muffin Man offered up a deal to the Pillsbury Dough Boy. He asked, “If I give you my famous muffin recipe, will you give me your famous cookie recipe”. The Pillsbury Dough Boy pondered the Muffin Man’s offer. Then the Muffin Man asked again, “Do we have a deal?” The Pillsbury Dough Boy reluctantly agreed to the Muffin Man’s Deal. They both went to their bakeries and wrote down the recipes. The next day they exchanged their recipes and retreated back to their bakeries. The Pillsbury Dough quickly realized the recipe the Muffin Man gave was a fake! The Pillsbury Dough Boy walked down Drury Lane only to find a giant SOLD sign over the Muffin Man’s house.
Moral: Don’t trust your enemies!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How To Be A Gentleman

Things You'll Need:
A good sense of manners.
An attitude of strength and nobleness. 
1.) Speak with a calm surety and do not use foul language. In general terms, always do things first for a lady and use respect.
2.) Open doors for ladies. Including car doors.
3.) Always allow ladies to take a place infront of you.
4.)If a lady enters the room when you're sitting down stand up and offer your chair to her if there is no another place to sit down.
5.) When a lady is about to sit down hold the chair for her.
6.) Never scream or raise your voice in anger.
7.) Use your best manners, always.
8.) Listen.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How To Fake Being Sick

Today my sister and my step brother were supposedly sick even though they had my mom and step dad fooled im not so easily convinced
1.) Begin in the bathroom the night before. Or even at around 4:00 PM at earliest.Only show light symtoms here. If you are planning on staying home the next day, tell your mom or dad that you don't feel well the night before. But beware because some sicknesses tend to go away overnight like a stomach ache so don't always decide to fake the night before or you will end up going to school.
2.) Don't finish your homework. This works better if you have parents who care about your grades. By not finishing your homework, they'll have another excuse to keep you from school.
3.) Go to bed early Don't say anything. When you're around them, just walk out of the room and go to your bed. Don't brush your teeth--they'll probably wake you up to remind you. At that point, they'll probably wonder what's wrong, and you can tell them that you're not feeling well. Describe your "symptoms" and appear impatient, maybe even cranky, and eager to go to bed. Don't act to cranky as your parents will get angry and send you to school sick or not.
4.) Prepare to have your temperature taken. If you do a good job, your parents will probably want to take your temperature, in which case you can say "I have to go to the bathroom." make sure you have a cup with you then turn on the sink and take some warm water and drink it and rinse it through your mouth, especially under your tongue. Also when you are in the bathroom be sure to flush the toilet before you turn on the sink, just so your parents don't get too suspicious! Note this only works if they check it under your tongue, obviously.
5.) Wake up in the middle of the night If you're pretending to have stomach issues, wake them up at about 1:00 A.M. and tell them you just threw up (having left some fake vomit in the toilet). Even force tears ( if you can) to make it seem real that your stomach hurts. For flu or sore throat symptoms, cough or clear your throat loudly enough to alarm them, and rub your face vigorously right before they come in.
6.) Stay up till late at night This gives you bags underneath your eyes, and you will have a legitimate reason to have a day off. Be aware you might be asleep for the day though. If you plan on being awake during the day here's what you should do: go to bed an hour later then you usually fall asleep at. This may make small bags underneath your eyes or make them slightly puffy. Get at least 4 hours of sleep, then wake up an hour before you usually do. Take yours or your mom's pink blush and put it on the tip of your finger. Next take a blue marker and lightly dab it onto the blush, mix it around, then put it under your eyes. Rub it in well, but still make it noticeable.
7.) Reinforce your feigned illness in the morning Be especially reluctant to get out of bed. If they still want to make you go to school, get up, but sluggishly. Slowly dress, but not too slowly. Skip a button on your shirt, don't comb your hair properly, and don't tie your shoe laces properly (or even at all). Pick at your breakfast as if you have no appetite. If you're pretending to have a cough, go to the bathroom upon rising and rub your eyes with water a bit, just to give yourself slightly "sick eyes." If you didn't start faking symptoms the night before, it'll be much more difficult to convince your parents that you're sick. Here are some other last-minute strategies you can try:
  • Wake up before your parents and quietly make fake vomit. Put it in the toilet and pretend to throw up. If this doesn't wake them up, go get them and tell them what just "happened".
  • Say you have diarrhea. Be sure to spend some time in the bathroom, flush the toilet, and spray a good deal of air freshener to cover up the smell that isn't really there. Or, you can try your hand at making fake diarrhea.
  • If you're a girl, you can tell your parents you have cramps or its that time of the month. Only works if you've started having your period. If you don't have it yet then if you try this step you will have to fake have it until you really do get it or your mom will be suspicious. Your dad probably won't want to even talk about it, and your mom will understand. Neither of them will be able to disprove it.
  • Start crying. This will work more or less, as your parents might think that the issue is very serious, but could also believe you are faking.
8.) If it gets to that point, bailout. If you think your parents will take you to the doctor, try to phase out the sickness. If your parents are at home with you, then just pretend to sleep and be sure to act accordingly when they check in on you. If they are at work and call, then wait for the phone to ring three or three and a half times before you answer, and sound as tired as you can. When they ask how you're feeling, remove one or two of your symptoms, for example- "My stomach stopped hurting and my headache is a little better." This will make them rethink the doctor visit. If they come home early, be sure to look even better, and say that you feel much better and should be back to normal for school tomorrow! There is always the other option of sticking to your guns. It is entirely possible to fake out a doctor as they tend to suffer from confirmation bias. Suggest symptoms that are hard to detect such as diarrhea and they will look for the symptoms you suggest and few others. It is assumed that you are smart and can act for this to work and not recommended. Or you can tell your parents that the school nurse from yesterday told you to stay home as what you have is contagious.
9.) Protest if they suggest you stay home. When your parents decide to let you stay home, don't just shrug and agree. Protest their decision (but only if you didn't have to convince them first). This reinforces the fact that you really are sick. Say, "But Mom, I'm going to have so much work to make up!" or "But I have a math test today!" Do not over do it. If your parents know you don't care about tests, say "But I have Band Practice, or Art Class" or something they know you enjoy. If you protest, be sure it is something you would really say. Don't randomly state that you want to do a test if they know you don't care. This can backfire, unless you're careful. You can also go to the bathroom and fake throw up
10.) Show signs of improvement. If you do stay home, pretend to sleep a lot and gradually start "getting better". Some parents will use the forgetfulness trick, meaning that they will come back home 10 minutes after they leave, saying that they "forgot something," so its always good to stay in bed for at least 15 minutes. If you get too greedy and try to pull off another day, they might take you to the doctor, who will see that there's no illness to be found.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Am I Too Old To Trick or Treat?

My mommy thinks im too old to go Trick or Treating. I love to Trick or Treat! I look forward to it every year, and i take my 11 year old sister with a friend or two usually so i don't look completely ridiculous. The thing is, i'm really excited to go because it is one of the very few days a year where i can be as silly as i want without being chastized. Plus i already have my costume! I'm going to be a fairy! I have a neon yellow tutu, neon blue wings, and accesories! Well do you think i should go Trick or Treating or is 15 years old too big a number? Comment!

Ten Things I Love About Halloween

1. dusting off the skeletons
2. stepping over black cats
3. carving pumpkins
4. lighting jackolanterns
5. letting out your inner ghost
6. preparing treats
7. sewing costumes
8. howling at a full moon
9. planning tricks
10. seasoning the caldrons

P.S.  If you like my blog comment, even if you don't like it! Or just tell me what you love most about Halloween.

Friday, October 22, 2010

This is Me

You know what? I had an epiphany last night and I feel obligated to share it today. I'm overweight and I realized that if you think about it people only care about losing weight because they want to "fit in". Well, if God had intended for us to all be skinny he wouldn't have let man create McDonalds. Therefore I have decided I don't want to fit in. If someone loves me they should love me for my chubby, funny, silly self! Even though my life isn't going to be easy, especially when everyone judges me and treats me different. Oh and my personal favorite, the very classic obnoxious laugh with their noses in the air as the talk about me behind my back. But I just look at it with a silver lining for example: When im being laughed at from afar by the stupid skinny stereotypical girls who think they're all that I just think they talk behind my back because they are too afraid to say it to my face. Because i would kick their teenybopper blonde-haired blue-eyed nasty back stabbers! If there is anyone out there who agrees post a comment or if you are seeking advice send me a letter and i will respond as soon as possible. Send your letters to:

Need Advice? Mail Me :]

I was watching Letters to Juliet and i'm inspired. If any of you out there reading this wants to write me a letter for advice, i promise to write back with as much advice as i can possibly give. Please feel free to send letters to

P.S. Whenever you need a helping hand i will do my best for good advice.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


You know what i realized today? First let me start at the beginning. Well, someone came up to me and asked me if i was born this crazy and i looked up at him and said "I'm afraid so, I'm entirely bonkers, but I will tell you a little secret all the best people are." He looked at me with a slight smile from my quick come back and accepted his defeat to insult me. I must admit I was quite proud with my witty comeback.
If you're wondering why he thinks I'm crazy. I haven't the slightest clue, Okay Okay Okay maybe it was because when we were picking our team name for our study game I suggested The Cookie Monsters.
P.S. If you scroll down you will se me . . . if i was a cat!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Curse Whoever Made History a Subject In School!

Im so angry! My history teacher doesn't know how to make class fun! I asked him if the rest of the year is all notes and he said of course not. (i sighed in relief) He then said we will take do essays as well. Then the class looked at me like it was all my fault! I suggested posters and projects and he just walked away and continued lecturing us about some stupid war with the indians . . . i think.

Anyways. . . my word for today is Guano (Definition: poop from a bat or a seal) How funny is that! Speaking of funny i heard this really funny joke today:
PATIENT: "Doctor, I've got a strawberry stuck up my bum."
DOCTOR: "I've got some cream for that."

I nearly peed myself when i heard it!

Please Comment! I'm Desperate!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stage Fright

I could just die! im so sick of rhetoric! (FYI: Rhetoric is the study of the effective use of language.) I have to recite a stupid persuasive essay to the class tomorrow. I can only hope that a meteor hits me right before my turn to recite that stupid essay! Well. . . im gunna go practice, wish me luck!

P.S. This is me with a mustache!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Typical Me

Typical. . . I didnt get an assignment supposedly passed out last week and i now have TWICE the homework! Whoever invented homework should be violently stabbed in the face. Anyways my new favorite word is Kangaroofus (DEFINITION: a cross between Kangaroo and a naked mole rat) Oh dude guess what i did when i got home! I made me as a vampire! Want to see it? Look Below. . .

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Today i completely forgot about my Bible class assignment to type out my narrative O.o Also, i hav to read Book 15 of The Iliad! Not to mention making a stupid formal outline for my persuasive essay. I know what your thinking, "How can she possibly forget about all that homework" Well, i think it's because my brain wants to have a carefree life style so it blocks out every boring assignment i get.

P.S. my new puppy, Gizmo, ate my favorite pair of sandals