Friday, October 22, 2010

This is Me

You know what? I had an epiphany last night and I feel obligated to share it today. I'm overweight and I realized that if you think about it people only care about losing weight because they want to "fit in". Well, if God had intended for us to all be skinny he wouldn't have let man create McDonalds. Therefore I have decided I don't want to fit in. If someone loves me they should love me for my chubby, funny, silly self! Even though my life isn't going to be easy, especially when everyone judges me and treats me different. Oh and my personal favorite, the very classic obnoxious laugh with their noses in the air as the talk about me behind my back. But I just look at it with a silver lining for example: When im being laughed at from afar by the stupid skinny stereotypical girls who think they're all that I just think they talk behind my back because they are too afraid to say it to my face. Because i would kick their teenybopper blonde-haired blue-eyed nasty back stabbers! If there is anyone out there who agrees post a comment or if you are seeking advice send me a letter and i will respond as soon as possible. Send your letters to:

1 comment:

  1. Doll face-- never let people get to you. It doesn't matter how you talk, look, or who you date. There will always be someone who disapproves. It isn't just in high school it is at every job you will ever have and with every person you happen to meet. Shrugging people off is a talent. Master it soon!!!
